PSG manages a number of educational and medical institutions in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Over 47 institutions were established between 1926 to 2009 Engineering and medical colleges run by the Group are amongst the top ranked educational institutions Supports 50,000 students, orphans and members of the lower end of society in India every year.
PSG manages a number of educational and medical institutions in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Over 47 institutions were established between 1926 to 2009 Engineering and medical colleges run by the Group are amongst the top ranked educational institutions Supports 50,000 students, orphans and members of the lower end of society in India every year.
PSG manages a number of educational and medical institutions in the state of Tamil Nadu.
Over 47 institutions were established between 1926 to 2009 Engineering and medical colleges run by the Group are amongst the top ranked educational institutions Supports 50,000 students, orphans and members of the lower end of society in India every year.